Sunday, November 14, 2010


A lot of people think that Thai food is either Indian or Asian cuisine, but I don’t its either of those buts its own cuisine. It definitely is influenced by both, but is set apart from the rest. To me Thai food reminds me of spices, curry, and amazing aroma. As well, you can’t forget about the taste. So I went to a restaurant at 3737 India Street called Saffron to try some Thai food. 
Saffron is good Thai restaurant and the price is reasonable, but the intensity of Thai food was lacking. Saffron is not one of the best Thai restaurants I've been to. For three people, we ate a half a chicken and Pad-see-ew for about 17 dollars. This is a good deal since usually Thai food is expensive.

When the chicken was brought over, it smelled like a rotisserie chicken. It smelled like it was marinated in its own juices and a bit dried. The best part of the chicken is that it comes with two sauces to make the chicken better. The peanut sauce has a smooth nutty taste and very mild. The next sauce that came with the chicken was the chutney sauce. It was very sweet and tasted like it had apricot or plum like fruit. It was not that great, it overpowered the chicken and brought no taste.

The Pad-see-ew was the highlight of the restaurant. The first thing I smelled was fish, but there was no fish. I found out that the dish has fish sauce, which gives that fishy smell and was really good. The Pad-see-ew had scrambled egg mixed with beef and rice flat noodles. The noodles were flat and the flavors came together and burst in my mouth.
Overall this restaurant is good but not the best Thai food, it’s the best deal for Thai food. I would definitely recommend the Pad-see-ew if you think Thai is spicy or if you are afraid of Thai food. Saffron is a restaurant that can ease you into Thai food.

Taste: 3.5/5
Quality: 4/5
Service: 4/5
Overall: Good

-Joshua Villalpando

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